Get Active LBC

200 Kilometer Challenge

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get active with your long beach community.

Tons people from SoCal joined the Get Active LBC 200 kilometer challenge during the month of May 2020!

Events in LBC awarded prizes to the three participating runners and walkers. Prizes include a $50 gift card to Domenico’s, the oldest Long Beach restaurant serving delicious homemade Italian food. There’s can also win one of three prizes for a week of FREE unlimited virtual classes with Bikram Yoga Long Beach. These bikram yoga, hot pilates, and even high intensity interval training classes provide you with a great workout - and an opportunity to cross-train.

Join the challenge. RSVP.

Tracking your mileage:

  1. Download the Nike Run Club app.

  2. Add Events in LBC as a friend. We'll make sure you’re added to the challenge.

  3. View your challenges and accept our invitation.

  4. Track your walks and runs in the app during the month of May.

  5. Your name will be entered into the contest drawing for every 5k (~3 miles) you walk or run in May, up to a maximum of 200 kilometers (~124 miles)!